A Man I Once Dated AND Blocked on All Social Media, Found my email.....
I am in NO WAY shaming the way a man chooses to express his romance.
All men are different.
As of course, all women are different.
I'll always think of him fondly.
As the guy who tried too hard.
I recently received an email from this man asking why I stopped talking to him.
You want the honest truth?
I saw through it all.
Maybe at first he fooled me.
It was the idea of it all I guess.
It was the facade he put on.
I learned one important thing from this short fling;
Ladies, sometimes you come to find that what we think we want, can be the exact opposite of what we truly want.
It was the door opening (I could actually dig that).
It was the "you're beautiful" every moment he looked at me.
It was the always faceTiming me any second he knew I had free time.
It was the giving me advice, even when not asked for it.
You know; that "THANKS DAD" advice.
He even cancelled a lot of his games to come and hang out with me, just in case I was free to make plans with him.
He was the type of guy that was extremely pushy to say the least.
I'm a girl who needs to be loved and adored just like the next don't get me wrong.
I'm also a girl who needs my own personal space.
Like I got a real need for that O2.
You know?
It's a sucky thing when a man lets go of his passions just for you.
Some might say romantic, some might Mariah Carey that shit and say
"Whyyy you so obsessed with meeeeeeeee"
I ask myself, why would a person want to change something about themselves when that is something that attracted you to that person in the first place?
Although I was completely grateful, a lot of it did not feel genuine.
A lot of it felt, almost, I don't know...
Yes, thats right.
I said it.
He was grate and all, but cheezus man you've Gouda be kidding me.
The poems, the songs. Sheesh.
Even saying all the right things. Quite rehearsed might I add.
It was great.. the idea of it..
in my dreams..
I guess it just didn't feel real.
I was seeing it, but I wasn't feeling it.
He was wonderful and passionate.
But, passionate is all he was.
Where was the rest?
Right idea, wrong guy?
The poems, the songs. Sheesh.
Even saying all the right things. Quite rehearsed might I add.
It was great.. the idea of it..
in my dreams..
I guess it just didn't feel real.
I was seeing it, but I wasn't feeling it.
He was wonderful and passionate.
But, passionate is all he was.
Where was the rest?
Right idea, wrong guy?
Please guys, just don't look at me like a munster after writing this.
Don't Grill me on this because either way you slice it, you shouldn't read the rest if honesty is nacho thing.
I'm just trying to show you theres nothing to Bri ashamed about with being honest.
Que so..... on that note.
Men I know you're sitting there thinking, so, what the hell.
What do women want?
I know, the struggle man.
What do women want?
I know, the struggle man.
We say we want to be wined and dined.
We say that chivalry is dead, but right when it comes back we think a guys is trying too hard.
Wheres the perfect balance?
What is it that we really want?
We say that chivalry is dead, but right when it comes back we think a guys is trying too hard.
Wheres the perfect balance?
What is it that we really want?
Whats most important is not the expensive dinners, the fancy flowers, or how good he can dress.
Whats most important is being yourself.
Be you.
Be true to who you are and staying that person.
When you meet someone, being honest about who you are is the most important thing.
You will only cheat yourself and the other person out of a potentially happy life.
Men should be so much more than looked at as beings who wine and dine us.
A man should be defined with how genuine he says " I love you".
True character of what a man is, is not defined by what he does in front of a crowd but instead by what he does when no one else is around.
A man old enough to lead when need be.
A man whose funny enough to entertain and not take any jokes to heart.
A man strong enough to know his position in my life.
The one who you can spend mornings with, laying in bed for hours.
Just the two of you, forgetting about breakfast until, say, mmm 2 O'clock?
Yet we want a man who knows when to be serious at the appropriate time.
A man who winks at you when you say something crazy.
Not a man who kicks you under the table because you've embarrassed him.
Guys, men, boys, one last thing.
If you're not going to marry her, take your hands off of another mans future.
Whats most important is being yourself.
Be you.
Be true to who you are and staying that person.
When you meet someone, being honest about who you are is the most important thing.
You will only cheat yourself and the other person out of a potentially happy life.
Men should be so much more than looked at as beings who wine and dine us.
A man should be defined with how genuine he says " I love you".
True character of what a man is, is not defined by what he does in front of a crowd but instead by what he does when no one else is around.
A man old enough to lead when need be.
A man whose funny enough to entertain and not take any jokes to heart.
A man strong enough to know his position in my life.
The one who you can spend mornings with, laying in bed for hours.
Just the two of you, forgetting about breakfast until, say, mmm 2 O'clock?
Yet we want a man who knows when to be serious at the appropriate time.
A man who winks at you when you say something crazy.
Not a man who kicks you under the table because you've embarrassed him.
Guys, men, boys, one last thing.
If you're not going to marry her, take your hands off of another mans future.
The Chair With Chels💋