Men use love to get sex...
They say that men use love to get sex.
Who is to say this is true for all men?
Sure, ladies we will get the occasional A**h***.
Just don't blame em' all.
I tried to widen my perspective and also realized yes sometimes men use love to get sex, but at the same time, get to thinking guys... some of us ladies use sex to get love.
In the end it is a lose-lose.
Whose at fault?
Surely we are all different.
My tip~ Don't trust too easily. Hold a standard.
Men, know that a real woman always knows that a man who truly loves her would never put themselves in the position to ever lose her.
True value lies in your actions.
Make your actions clear and known.
That way, no mess :)
Ladies, just some advice from The Chair.
If ever a choice between being a people pleaser to your man VS. being respected, always and only ever choose being respected.
It is much sexier.
"Having a standard for how you are willing to be a treated is the most natural filter for getting rid of the wrong people in love" According to love expert Matthew Hussey.
In the end we wouldn't be wondering where all of our time wasted went.
The main key is acting upon it and holding that standard.
Men use Love to get sex.
Women use sex to get love.
All I do is use coupons to get pizza.
When you get the taste of a real man, the rest of the world never quite tastes the same.
The Chair With Chels💋
The Chair With Chels💋
Camera Used: Iphone 6s
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