He Forgot About You. Remember That.
I am someone with a big heart with so much understanding.
So, my question is how does someone with a big heart and someone who is so understanding, know where to draw the line?
Especially in a situation where you love someone so much.
Where does the line draw before it grows its own legs and walks away?
When does it become you're supposed to be doing whats best for yourself; instead of doing everything you can to fix another persons mistakes?
It shouldn't be your job to try and fix/work hard at something that somebody else deliberately broke.
Its hard to think most people would go back to someone even though they took your heart and threw it out the window for another person...
OR people...
Behind your back....
OR people...
Behind your back....
It's easy to judge and say "never give up" but until you've actually been there, you'll realize life is too short to accept purposeful pain and deceit.
If you had to let someone you love go, remind yourself that you can not hand your heart to someone who doesn't even know how to take care of their own.
You can still love them, you can accept their faults and their mistakes but you do not have to go along with it.
Their mistakes do not have to define your life. Their mistakes don't even have to be apart of your life unless you accept it.
How else will this person learn anyway?
Growing up we didn't learn that doing something bad will reward us.
We learn that doing something bad means we recieve consequences.
Without those consequences how will this person who has betrayed us ever learn?
Unfortunately it had to be with you.
I think that the worst kind of hurt you can have is betrayal.
Because betrayal means that someone was willing to hurt you just to make themselves feel better.
It shows you're insecure, we get it. But you did what made you happy at the expense of my emotions. I understand it but I won't respect it.
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